Monday, June 18, 2012

The Slightly Mixed Bag Of Summer

I am victorious! Okay, we're done here.

But seriously, I'm victorious. The problem I discussed in yesterdays' post has been fixed. My mixer is working. Yay. Have a kitten.
I know how much you guys looooove kittens.
But I digress. Today, I blog about summer. I'm a 13-year-old boy,
and it's the end of June, which means Schooooooooooooooolll's out! For! Summer!
Initially when I think of summer, (especially in, say, February, smack dab in the middle of the school year), it's a totally great thing. I can't wait for it! You know, summer! Yeah! But then the beginning of June rolls around, and you've finished all your lessons, and you're taking your finals, and the mixed section of the bag of summer vacation rears its ugly head. Speaking from June 18, with three school days to go, this month has been great so far. Spending most of our school time going on trips or watching movies (something my parents don't exactly like their taxpayers' money being spender on) has given me a lot of time to hang out with my friends. Thursday, after school ends, we're all going to have a big party, and it'll be fun, but it'll also be sad, because we'll all be going our separate summer ways, and won't see each other too much for the next few months. So we think, "Hey! We'll see each other when school starts back up again." And then we think, "Ew, school's going to start back up again."

Don't get me wrong, I love summer. I love extra time to relax at home, and I love going to my awesome sleep away camp for eight weeks. (CITs of 2016!) This is why summer isn't a bad bag. It's a mixed, mostly good bag. Like a cheeseburger with olives instead of a plate of haggis. (God, I hate olives. And oatmeal. Hate oatmeal.)
Bleh. Strangely, I like oatmeal cookies. Then again, I like most cookies.
My point is, Yay! No school! Kitten!

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