Monday, January 25, 2016

Chocolate Milk from a Bag: Fancy That

Hello to friends, to family, and to my occasional reader from Germany who finds this page by Googling "Ferris Wheel." is back and better than ever, from a lexical standpoint if not from one of entertainment value. As I write this, I'm about to go to sleep, signing off from what has for me been a 30-hour journey to my hotel room here in Jerusalem. I've certainly made some friends, and also been on an airplane. That part sucked. I wish I could apparate.

Anyway, here I sit in my room at the Kibbutz. What's a kibbutz, you ask? Good question! Google it!
I have more important topics to discuss.

This is "Shoko," a popular drink in Israel. It's chocolate milk in a plastic pouch that you tear apart with your teeth, as is tradition. It is to drinks as Jonathan Mulberry Slattery is to acting: complex, cultured, smooth, and delicious. After a travel day where exhaustion and crabbiness fought hard to beat out excitement about the awesome thing I'm embarking on (oh yeah, high school semester in Israel, leggo) coming to the room and finding 4 packs in the fridge was a Godsend. I didn't check if it was expired and I rather hope it was, as is tradition.

Sleepy time, that's all for today, sorry if this sucked, gimme some slack though.

Shout out to Erica Barish and her time-commitment to activity suggestions

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